Institute of Science & Management  DK219 (S)     KP(JPS)5195/IPTS/1073/(8)
Commitment to Excellence
Tel : +6089-779623
Fax : +6089-752745

Scholarships and Awards

1. ISM Scholarship

This scholarship is applicable to all programmes offered in ISM. It covers tuition fee only.

To be eligible for this scholarship, a student must fulfill the minimum academic requirements as summarized below:

 ISM Scholarships
 Partial coverage of Tuition fee.

A-Levels Art/Science:
Academic Achievement Waiver of Tuition Fee
9A*/A+/A and above 6A and above 75%
8A*/A+/A 5A 50%
7A*/A+/A 4A 25%
5A*/A+/A and 6A*/A+/A 3A RM 1000

Academic Achievement Waiver of Tuition Fee
9A+/A/A- and above 5A and above 75%
7A+/A/A- and 8A+/A/A- 4A 50%
5A+/A/A- and 6A+/A/A- 3A 25%
3A+/A/A- and 4A+/A/A- 2A RM 1000


 *All scholarships offered at Institute of Science and Management (ISM) are subject to the “Scholarship Terms & Conditions”.

3. Incentives & Awards

Bursary Programme (Newly introduced in January 2023)
About :

  • Apllicable to all programs of study at ISM
  • Covers 50%-100% of program fee*
  • Includes a structured internship program at local corporate companies

  • Eligibility:
    • 18 years old and above
    • Monthly household income less than RM7,000
    • Fullfilled the minimum entry requirements by program

    *All scholarships offered at Institute of Science and Management (ISM) are subject to the “Scholarship Terms & Conditions”.

    4. Application Process

    *All scholarship offered All scholarships offered at Institute of Science and Management (ISM) are subject to the “Scholarship Terms & Conditions”.